Video Marketing Basics – How to Determine Your Target Audience

How to determine your target audience

Any time you create a video, you should be modeling it around your target audience. In other words, when you start to develop a video, you should imagine who will click on it or who you WANT to click on it.

THIS is your target audience.

Your target audience is a group of people who are all interested in the same hobby, product, or service. Knowing your target audience is not only crucial for video production but also for any business that wants to be successful. Knowing your target audience allows you to make unique content faster, while also being sure it’s valuable and successful with this group each and every time.

3 Ways to Determine Your Target Audience

Look at Your Niche:

The easiest way to define your target audience is to look at your niche or the overall theme of your business. For example, if your business is all about cars, then you should be making videos that speak to people who have an interest in all things automotive and not something else. If you go ahead and make outdoor action videos of surfers, skiers, snowboarders and mountain bikers and place them on your car site, you really can’t expect it to do all that well without some specific tie-in (and if you do, well thats another blog post right there!).

Ask Specific Questions:

If your niche isn’t as distinct as the examples above or you are still struggling to define your audience, ask yourself a series of basic questions:

  • Who truly benefits the most from this video?
  • What value am I providing?
  • What value do I want to provide?
  • What or who do I want my viewer to be?
  • What reaction do I want from this video?
  • Does this video solve a problem?

It’s likely that once you ask yourself these questions, similarities will appear, and you can use this information to help narrow down your audience.

Create a Buyer Persona:

A buyer persona is a visual representation of your ideal customer based on current data and research. It helps to visualize exactly who you are talking to so you can get your message across more effectively. The beauty of this is that it doesn’t just work for your videos, if you have a well thought out persona, it can (and should be) used when crafting written content as well. This helps to unify your messaging so it will always be on point and on on target.

What it all boils down to is this: Don’t let your videos go unwatched because you don’t know who your audience is. Use these simple tips and tricks so that you can market your videos successfully. Once you define your target audience and speak to your personas, you will start creating higher-quality content and earn more conversions in the end.